California Transparency Act
OC Whole Family Wellness requires its suppliers and vendors to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, including labor laws. In particular, OC Whole Family Wellness performs the following as related to the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act of 2010:
- OC Whole Family Wellness requires direct suppliers and vendors to certify that their companies do not take any part in human trafficking or slavery.
- OC Whole Family Wellness implements a verification process that is used to evaluate and address risks of slavery and human trafficking in the supply chain.
- OC Whole Family Wellness performs random audits of its suppliers and vendors to monitor ongoing compliance. OC Whole Family Wellness does not plan to utilize a third party for any verification or audit process.
- Team Members and Management involved in supply chain decision making must undergo training regarding human trafficking and slavery with respect to mitigating risks with the supply chains of products. They must demonstrate their understanding of this area and the process to review and document each supplier. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to discharge.
- OC Whole Family Wellness is committed to ethical and socially responsible conduct in the workplace.